From popular to lesser known villains of the Dark Knight, who are some of the best of the best in the Caped Crusaders rogues gallery? As you may know, Batman is a hero with one of the most impressive group of people actively trying to kill him (which is weird because he seems like such a likeable person). So, let’s rundown some of his most challenging and iconic foes.

Starting with Hugo Strange. He is among the first and very few that were able to figure out Batman’s true identity is Bruce Wayne. The psychologist has an obsessive vendetta against the Dark Knight, but most all of Batman’s villains have an obsession with him.

The Joker. The most prominent arch-nemesis of Batman who nearly everybody knows at this point, as he has caused more grief and suffering for the Bat than any other. The chaotic, psychotic villain that does wacky and malicious things just for kicks is unforgettable.

Hush. The childhood friend of Bruce Wayne, Thomas Elliot is also one of the few villains to deduct Batman’s true identity, and strives to destroy him, because Bruce’s father, Thomas, ruined his plans to kill his own parents. The man needs help.

Ra’s Al Ghul. The leader of the League of Shadows, which wants to cleanse humanity of its corruption by any means necessary. The pursuit of this dream includes terrorism, assassinations, and vigilantism. Ra’s is Batman’s mentor and arguably his deadliest foe.

Bane. The infamous man that broke Batman’s back. Born and raised in an underground prison, this force of nature is one of, if not the most, physically challenging villains Batman has ever faced.

Mr. Freeze, who is also known as Dr. Victor Fries. The scientist uses cryogenics to live, and prolong the life of his dying wife is one of Batman’s most challenging foes.

Scarecrow. Much like Batman, he instills fear to disarm his victims. His fear tactics are caused by a special fear toxin he gases his victims with, and the only thing that does frighten this deranged villain is the Bat himself.

The Riddler. The clever villain obsessed with riddles. Edward Nigma uses this alias to commit carefully crafted crimes that resemble brain teasers and puzzles, but none too much for the world’s greatest detective.

Penguin. The intelligent, ambitious gentleman, Oswald Cobblepot. He’s power hungry, desires respect, control, and is a criminal mastermind.

Mad Hatter. The short, psychotic villain with OCD, consistently with ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in particular. He mainly utilizes mind control to sway his victims in crimes inspired by the novel of his obsession.

Two-Face, also known as Harvey Dent, is one of the more tragic villains in Batman’s rogues gallery. He is obsessed with the duality of good and evil, and luck and misfortune. This criminal mastermind most famously uses a burnt, double-headed coin to decide his brutal actions, and the fate of people’s lives.

So let me know who you think is Batman’s greatest foe?